How to transfer a Google Analytics account

  • Google Analytics

Have you ever needed to transfer a google analytics account to another user profile or email address?

A common trap when setting up Google Analytics  on  multiple websites is to add each of them to a single user account or email address. Unfortunately this can cause issues down the track if you ever need to pass on administrator access to another person.  The new user will be able to access the data for all of your other analytics accounts/properties.

I have tried to transfer accounts in the past, only to find out it was impossible. However, it seems that with google recently bringing in a new analytics administration page, it is now possible to transfer account ownership to another user or email address. And it’s easy!

1. Log in to your Analytics console and go to Admin in orange navigation bar.


2. In the left column select the account you would like to transfer from the dropdown menu, and then select “User Management”.


3. At the base of the User Management page, add the email address of the new user in the “Add Permissions” section. Then tick all check boxes to allow administrator access and hit the “add” button.


Once you have added the new administrator, they will be able to log in and access the analytics data and user management. At this point they can “delete” you as a user. The analytics account will no longer be visible in your console, however the new user will retain all the past data.

Unfortunately at this stage only “accounts” can be transferred and not “properties”.

By ScoopDesign